Batman v/s Superman

With the news of Dawn Of Justice everywhere, it seems like everybody has to say something about it. I, personally, am very excited for it being a prequel to (finally) a Justice League movie. After this many years, we deserve it.
But there’s one thing that bothers me about this. And that is the “V/S” part. The amazing friendship of Batman and Superman (maybe less amazing than Hal and Wally’s) really has to start with a fight? Really?
I have read enough comics to be done with their fights and also enough to want more of their moments as super friends. And most people disagree with me, including my ignorant friends (afterall, what do they know).

I’m actually more concerned about the fact that after the fight, in the end of the movie, will they be friends? Will they be able to reach the level of friendship where Superman trusts Batman with his own life and hands him the piece of Kryptonite even in the Justice League movie? Probably not.
And everybody has to agree, they share one of the best bromances in the history of DC universe.


Oh, get a room you two.

Oh, wait. They already did.


New rule: Justice is served only when a bed is shared.

The World’s Finest (literally) compliment each other really well when on the same side. I’ll miss that.



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